Journal Publication

PAN-AFRICAN ASSOCIATION OF SCHOLARS OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES (PASHASS) envisions a united body of scholars, academia and researchers within a humanity and social science disciplines believing that scholarship and research in the two have an interwoven relationship with a specific goal of humanizing the mankind through the socialization of the minds. This synergy becomes more important at this time looking at the direction academic research is tilting.

The world-over, research has been channeled to the pursuit of truth with the help of numerous specialized


This is a thorough peer-reviewed journal which publishes well writing and edited articles from humanity and social science disciplines. It is an interdisciplinary journal which promotes cross-breeding of ideas with the aim of solving multiple problems confronting mankind. 


This is an issue based journal that publishes articles that focus on man; his culture, language, arts, literature, politics, economics, religion, history, international relation, trade and commerce, music, social environment, and other social and humanistic issues.


This is a quarterly journal.


University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Department of English and Literary Studies, Block B, Faculty of Arts Complex, Nsukka Campus, Enugu State, Nigeria.

branches of learning which aims at achieving a common aim with the aid of knowledge of other disciplines. With the barrage of problems confronting the third world countries, especially, sub-Saharan Africa, a researcher needs to look in the direction of a knowledge pool made available to us through multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and even trans-disciplinary inquiries to solve them. These and many other reasons inform the setting up of this organization.

To foster this synergy and champion this course, the organization floated a journal known as PAN-AFRICAN JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES (PAJHSS) which publishes quarterly every year.